Photo Lists

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Punta Gorda Chickens -- After the Rains Ibis Feed on PGI Lawns

Tropical Storm Issac softened the dirt for ibis to enjoy  feeding  on grubs and other goodies. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

IMPAC -- The Mysterious Building on Retta Esplanade

IMPAC University once attracted students from all over the world, but was mysterious to the residents of Punta Gorda with rumors about what actually was happening here.  Today this gorgeous building stands empty, and the County is considering a purchase as a incubator for economic development.  

Monday, August 27, 2012

City Closed Today -- Tropical Storm Day

Punta Gorda City Hall Shuttered Up for Tropical Storm/Hurricane Issac which thankfully passed us by.  Better safe than sorry given the warnings from NOAA the last few days.